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Author: addisjourney

Addi was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma Cancer on August 18, 2019 at the age of two. She has endured many rounds of chemo, immunotherapy, tumor resection surgery where she also lost her kidney and adrenal gland, radiation and a clinical trial treatment at MSK in New York ( for 1-1/2 years) when her family was told there were no more options for treatment after she went into liver failure and almost died. Addi now has NO evidence of disease and completed 890 days of treatment on January 26, 2021. She will continue her journey as she has a high rate of relapse with scans every 3 months in Atlanta and at MSK in New York City for the next two years. During this time Leanne (LaLa), Addi's mother, has written two books. One book is the story of Addi's journey with many highs and many lows but all done in faith that she would be healed. The other book is a 30 day devotional book of the devotions that LaLa wrote and published on her blog each week during this journey. Leanne is working on her 3rd book and will have it published by the end of 2021. As an author, blogger and advocate, LaLa wishes to bring hope, awareness and be a resource for others that may be going through the same journey with their child as she has traveled with Addi for over 2-1/2 years. Addi has lived with LaLa and WaWa since she was 15 months old and is biologically Leanne's niece. Leanne and Warren adopted Addi August 1, 2019 and officially made her their daughter along with their other adult children.....Amy, Emily, Austin married to Marlee, Alexis and Seth. She is the aunt to the newest member of the family....Baby Bentlee! Addi is followed by people all over the world as she has overcome many obstacles in her short life. Her story is one filled with lots of love, faith and hope! We continue to blog about her story to bring awareness to childhood cancer, to bring hope to others who are going through this unthinkable journey, to be a resource and to share the faith that we have in God as he healed Addi in a miraculous way! Addi and LaLa have made it their mission to advocate for Childhood Cancer and to help other organizations in their efforts to help the cancer community. Addi has been featured with the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House campaign, The Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer, CURE Childhood Cancer, Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Beads of Courage, Make a Wish Georgia, Little Miss of America, Love Beats Cancer, along with others.


  DEVOTIONAL:  PERSPECTIVE BRINGS AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE Definition of perspective is a particular attitude toward or the capacity to view things in their true importance.  Looking at perspective in all aspects of life will bring the needed space between the issue at hand and the problems you are facing.  If you will look through the eyes of perspective in every situation, it will bring forth a heart of gratitude in a much deeper way.     Think about perspective like this……While…

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I am getting a lot of messages asking about how to order my books and shipping time for the books that have been ordered. I just wanted to give you a quick update….. When you order the “30-day Devotional Book” or “Addi’s Journey-A Story of Faith, Hope and Love Book”….you are ordering directly from the publishing company, so I am not shipping the books myself. The publishing company prints each book on demand (when ordered). Usual shipping time is 2-3…

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DEVOTIONAL: What 2020 Has Taught Us

DEVOTIONAL: What 2020 Has Taught Us

WHAT 2020 HAS TAUGHT US  The last Sunday of 2020, the last week of 2020, the last days of 2020…..When you look back on 2020, what will you say that it has taught you?  As we reflect on one of the most difficult years in the lives of many, it is also time to look at all of the lessons 2020 has taught us all.  As we sit and think about this year, I would say that we all have learned lessons…

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DEVOTIONAL: Reflecting on What Matters

DEVOTIONAL: Reflecting on What Matters

REFLECTING ON WHAT MATTERS   What are you reflecting on today?  Are you reflecting on what matters in your life or are you reflecting on the difficulties that are surrounding you?  I think for most of us we can say this year has been difficult.  The pandemic, uncertainty of the future, loss of loved ones, sickness all around, the changes in our world and the list could just go on and on.  Many times, during this year, I have quoted the scripture in Isaiah…

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DEVOTIONAL: Not Today Satan

DEVOTIONAL: Not Today Satan

NOT TODAY SATAN Have you ever been in a battle where the enemy is attacking you at every turn?  Have you doubted everything because your mind is in such turmoil?  Have you been in the battle and not known what else to do?   I am going to tell you the truth, that has been me this week.  Satan has attacked me in every way possible.  Satan has attacked me through circumstances, relationships, health, emotionally and any way he could.  When Satan begins to attack you, he…

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DEVOTIONAL: Boundaries are an Act of Love

DEVOTIONAL: Boundaries are an Act of Love

BOUNDARIES ARE AN ACT OF LOVE  Boundaries….something we all need to learn but we all have an issue with when it comes to people we love.  I personally understand this and have struggled all my life setting boundaries and not letting the problems and sins of others affect my life.  I have always been one that took on whatever issues that were presented to me and tried to “fix” everything.  It has caused me much difficulty in life and put more stress on…

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    ADDI’S JOURNEY BOOK – A STORY OF FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE BOOK LAUNCH!   I am very excited to announce the release of my book about Addi’s story. This book tells our story of life with a child with cancer, the struggles, the heartaches, the lessons, our faith, but most importantly it tells all that He has done through this beautiful little life of Addi Joy! Her story is one of Gods love and grace for one little…

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DEVOTIONAL: Refined and Purified by Fire

DEVOTIONAL: Refined and Purified by Fire

 REFINED AND PURIFIED BY FIRE Have you ever wondered why God has allowed you to endure the fire so long?  Although it is uncomfortable to be refined by fire, often during those times it is when we discover who we are!  We have to remember one thing, the refining fire is always for refinement and not for our destruction.  Life in the refiners fire is a life about trust in the unchanging love of our Father. The refiners fire is about two…

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DEVOTIONAL: Let the Words of my Mouth

DEVOTIONAL: Let the Words of my Mouth

DEVOTIONAL:  The Words of my Mouth This may not be a very popular devotion but maybe someone needs to hear it or share it.  It has been very difficult to even scroll through my social media feeds over the past few weeks.  So many of the posts that I have been seeing are spewing much hate and unkindness because of disagreements in views and beliefs.  It has been a harsh battle!   It is ok that we are on opposite sides in our…

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DEVOTIONAL: Slaying the Goliath’s in your Life

DEVOTIONAL: Slaying the Goliath’s in your Life

DEVOTIONAL:  Slaying the Goliath’s in your Life In this life, we will face many giants.  You may be facing some giants in your life right now.  You are looking at that giant in front of you and don’t even know how you could ever win against it because it is so much bigger than you and you just feel you are not strong enough or equipped to battle it and win.  You have to understand that you are under attack.  Satan is here to…

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DEVOTIONAL: Take time out for God

DEVOTIONAL: Take time out for God

  DEVOTIONAL: Take time out for God In the businessness of life, we sometimes find we are so occupied with life that we forget the most important part of our day and that is to take time out for God and be in His presence. The clothes need to be washed, the house needs to be cleaned, the supper needs to be cooked, so on and so on. God really dealt with me a while back about letting HIM be…

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DEVOTIONAL: He Leads the Way

DEVOTIONAL: He Leads the Way

  DEVOTIONAL:  He Leads the Way   Have you ever been walking down a path that seemed pretty safe….It was well lit, it was very clear, you didn’t see any danger on the path you were on, it was just pleasant and you could see what was up ahead?  Then out of nowhere the path became very steep, you could barely walk because it became so rough, the darkness surrounded you and you could not see the way out or what was…

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DEVOTIONAL: Whatever it Takes Lord

DEVOTIONAL: Whatever it Takes Lord

Devotional: Whatever it Takes Lord Have you ever not understood the choices of the people you love? Have you ever prayed and prayed for someone and they still not change? Have you said I will not give up on you, but I do not agree with your life choices? Have you ever said I will love you regardless of your choices but I’m going to love you from over here and pray God moves in your life before it’s too…

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DEVOTIONAL: Rejoice and Be Glad

DEVOTIONAL: Rejoice and Be Glad

Rejoice and Be Glad   Ever since I was a little girl I have heard my parents recite the bible verse Psalm 118:24, “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  My mom would come wake me up in the morning singing this to me.  That has been birthed in me since as long as I can remember and one of the reasons, I feel that God has given me such a positive…

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DEVOTIONAL: Overcoming Doubt and Fear

DEVOTIONAL: Overcoming Doubt and Fear

Overcoming Doubt and Fear   Many times throughout this journey Satan has come in to try and bring doubt and fear so that he could steal my joy and peace. God put in my heart as I was watching Addi fight for her life that she would live and not die.  I clung every day to what I knew God told me.  I prayed life over her little body, and I prayed daily that His word would come to pass in Addi’s…

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DEVOTIONAL: Something Beautiful from the Pain

DEVOTIONAL: Something Beautiful from the Pain

Something Beautiful from the Pain   As we all know, our lives are not always easy, not always the happiest.  Sometimes life just hurts and at times it can be tough. Our lives have been nothing short of painful, and uncertain the past few years.  The pain that we have experienced watching our precious Addi go through this unthinkable journey with cancer has brought me to my knees more times than I can count.  When I think about this journey with all…

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Addi’s Journey Devotional Book Launch

Addi’s Journey Devotional Book Launch

DEVOTIONAL BOOK LAUNCH I am very excited to announce that I have published my first book!! I have put all the devotions I have shared on my blog along with a few others in a 30-day devotional book.  So many of you asked for it so me and my husband prayed about it and decided to publish it. I pray that it will minister to your heart as I follow Gods guidance in each devotion that I write.  I’m not…

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DEVOTIONAL: You are Worthy

DEVOTIONAL: You are Worthy

You are Worthy There are many people today that feel that they have something to prove in order to be worthy.  Worthy to God and worthy to others.  Some feel that they must be accomplished in their job, earn more money, be prettier, the best mom/wife or be perfect in order to be worthy and feel accomplished.  Others are trying to prove their worth because of the mistakes they have made in the past thus making them feel guilt and shame.   Guess…

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DEVOTIONAL: Let Him fill that Lonely Place

DEVOTIONAL: Let Him fill that Lonely Place

Let Him fill that Lonely Place One of the greatest problems that people face in today’s society is loneliness.  I think everyone at one time, or another have experienced loneliness in their lives.  The single person, the person who moved to a new city, the person who has suffered a great loss, the person who has went through a divorce, the person who feels misunderstood, the person who can’t make friends and the list goes on and on.  Feeling isolated, empty, different, grief…

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DEVOTIONAL: Our Call to Love and Encourage

DEVOTIONAL: Our Call to Love and Encourage

Our Call to Love and Encourage What are we doing to love and encourage others?  In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 the bible tells us to “encourage one another and build each other up.” What this tells me is that encouraging others is important to God.  In a world that is so difficult, it is our responsibility as a Christian to build others up and share the love of God in a broken world.  Sometimes it can be easy to lose sight of this important calling…

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