DEVOTIONAL: He Leads the Way
DEVOTIONAL: He Leads the Way
Have you ever been walking down a path that seemed pretty safe….It was well lit, it was very clear, you didn’t see any danger on the path you were on, it was just pleasant and you could see what was up ahead? Then out of nowhere the path became very steep, you could barely walk because it became so rough, the darkness surrounded you and you could not see the way out or what was ahead? That is the way our lives become sometimes, and we just need to have assurance that God is leading us on this path and will take our hand and lead us out into safety.
How could it be that life was going along as we planned then out of nowhere something happens, and we have no idea what is up ahead for us? How do we handle such uncertain paths that totally take us off guard? It could be a broken relationship, a health diagnosis, a death of someone we love, loss of a job, etc.
When you get to the point in life that the path becomes too difficult to travel, you have to turn to Him and say, “God take my hand, lead the way and don’t let me fall or become distracted because of the darkness.” God tells us in His word in Isaiah 42:16 “I will lead the blind on roads they have never known; I will guide them on paths they have never traveled. Their road is dark and rough, but I will give light to keep them from stumbling.” You must cling to God at times when the path gets so hard you feel you can’t see the end or way out. He will guide you so that you do not stumble even when things are so dark that the way out looks impossible.
The path may be rocky, it may get dark, the climb may seem impossible and at times you can’t see a way off the path, but God’s word is our road map even when the path seems too dark. Don’t you worry one minute how you are going to make it down this treacherous path because guess what? You are not walking it alone. He walks beside you; He walks in front of you, He walks behind you and He lights the way to get you THROUGH it and HE leads the way!
You have to get to this revelation where you understand the path may not change, you may be on this path for a while and the darkness may last for a season…that is when you have to begin asking God to change your heart, to mold you, to equip you and to strengthen you to handle the circumstances in which you are going through.
When life gets rough and the path seems so difficult that you see no way out, go to the Word of God and let Him speak to your heart and give you peace. Let Him comfort you, guide you and be the roadmap to find your way on this path you are on. Remember to take one step at a time. If we knew exactly where we were going, we would not depend on God and allow Him to lead us. As you take one step at a time, you WILL reach your destination, just be patient and wait on God!
Trust God with all of the unknowns of life. We may not know what lies ahead on this path but God knows and although the path may be difficult, He will never leave us. God is taking us out of our comfort zones so that we will trust Him even when the path is unknown up ahead. God wants us to follow Him and trust Him—Not just in the knowing but especially in the unknown.
Don’t limit God by your unbelief or unwillingness to trust Him on whatever path you may be on. God sees your future, he knows your past and He is with you right now in the present, waiting for you to take His hand and let Him lead you down this path no matter how rough it gets as you rest in His safe and loving arms.
Prayer of Doing Whatever it Takes:
Dear Heavenly Father I come to you today and ask you to take my hand and lead me down this rough, uncertain path. I have tried to walk it alone and I need you now more than ever. I give you my life and I trust you with all of the unknowns of life. I don’t know what is up ahead and life on this path is very difficult but remind me every time I stumble and every time the darkness tries to overcome me, that you will be with me and be the light on this darkened path. Although life is uncertain on this path, help me to trust your loving and strong hands to guide me. Help me to trust you with my all my heart and to not be afraid of the darkness until the path is made clear and the light appears at the end of this path. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!
Bible Verses
Psalms 119:105
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
Psalms 23:3
“He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness, For His name’s sake.
Isaiah 30:21
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”
Hebrews 11:8
“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”
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