Rough Night

Rough Night

Rough Night…….

I am sorry I have not been able to respond to all the messages this morning asking about Addi.  It was a rough, rough night and we finally got a little sleep this morning.  Addi is having a rough time with the immunotherapy.  She vomited several times through the night where we had to wash her blankets and stuffed animals.  Yeah, nothing like washing clothes at 2 am!  She came in with a cough that started before we left the hospital a few weeks ago and it worsened since Monday.  She spiked a fever and her O2 saturation dipped to 89-90 so they had to put Addi on oxygen.  They have changed up some medications and she is resting a little better this morning.

She just took her oral chemo and they are about to begin the IV chemo.  Immunotherapy will begin around 1:00.  The second day of immunotherapy is usually worse than the first day so PLEASE say a prayer for our little princess because yesterday was about as rough as we have seen it since this all started.  She is so pitiful and it is heartbreaking seeing her like this.  Your prayers are so appreciated.

I am so thankful to have my precious daughter Alexis here with me.  Normally I will stay and she will come relieve me a night for me to go home and get some rest but this time it has taken both of us around the clock to take care o her.  She is mine and Addi’s angel here on earth!

Thank you all for the love and prayers.  We appreciate each and every prayer being said for Addi and our family!


4 thoughts on “Rough Night

  1. God bless you lil beauty……Sending love and prayers by the dozen !
    You fight the hard fight…I have thought about you all day 🙁
    Lots of love to you and your family <3 <3

  2. Hey Angel i am so very sorry you are in so much pain and feel so bad but i want to tell you what i do when i am feeling bad and in pain i talk too the angel in heaven and ask them to help me feel better and that mite help you too feel better too I love you so very much little one and i pray for you each time i pray you just got to keep on fighting and keep smiling and and come out all well ok? Never forget addi how much you are loved and by people all over the World… I love you Addi Angel.. Tina.m

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