Day 4 and Miserable

Day 4 and Miserable

Day 4 and Miserable……
It seems like everyday this poor baby has experienced a different issue. Yesterday was pretty miserable. She ran a high fever that hovered between 103-104 and slept most of the day. No vomiting though! (Have to find all the positives we can!) To add to her misery she had urinary retention and ended up needing to be catheterized and that was NOT fun! Poor baby had over 300 cc’s of urine they drained from her bladder. The tummy pain subsided and she was much more comfortable after she got over being so mad about having the procedure. She had a pretty restful night. Only had one scare when her O2 level dropped even on oxygen. We woke her and stirred her around and it went back up. Whew! That’s a scary one! 
Today she has been awake a little more but has coughed A LOT! She woke up very swollen from retaining so much fluid but I was told this is normal and the swelling will subside. She continues to run a high fever today as well. After several hours of continuous coughing they finally gave her a breathing treatment and she is finally resting. She did not like getting the breathing treatment at all but it sure helped the cough. The doctor did a respiratory panel on her and everything was negative so not real sure where this cough is coming from. The audiologist came by again today to do more hearing testing but Addi is just too sick right now and would not participate so that will be done later. They are really wanting to get hearing aides for her as soon as possible so they are wanting to confirm the extent of hearing loss and get that process started. 
I get many requests for the following information so I thought I would just post it here because I get so many emails I sometimes just can’t answer them all. 
I get asked a lot what Addi likes and what can be sent to her. Addi is a typical 2 year old that just loves anything pink, purple and girly BUT Addi is a very blessed little girl and truly does not need anything but prayers at this point. Although she has loved EVERY gift please know she has so much and loves receiving your cards just as much. 
Addi’s Journey c/o Leanne Masten
P. O. Box 99
Toccoa, GA 30577 
To order T-shirts please follow this link to order online:
The only Go Fund Me for Addi:
These are the only sites for Addi and no other fundraisers are being held for her. If there are any fundraisers or events I will always post here so you will know they are legit. 
I am sorry if I haven’t been able to respond to all emails but hopefully this will help. 
Much love to you all and thank you for praying for Addi and loving her like your own. She is such a blessed little girl to have so many who pray for her and love her. #addisjourney

My sweet girls!

Addi loves the therapy dogs!

This has been our day….our week!

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