We got a smile today

We got a smile today

We got a smile today…..

Don’t have a lot to post today because it’s been a GOOD day! Addi slept well last night and had no respiratory issues. Only issue is vomiting and diarrhea because her stomach and bowels are just not working like they are supposed to. She’s thrown up all of her feeds so far but hopefully her stomach will start doing its job soon! She has slept a lot but been awake more than she has all week so I’m rejoicing about that! Even got a SMILE today! Man it’s been a while since we’veseen that smile. Leave it to Memaw and Pop to put a smile on that pretty little face. She loves them so much. 
I feel such at peace today and God has renewed my spirit. He says In His word….”When you go through deep waters, I will be with you”. (Isaiah 43:2) Let me tell you these waters have been deep and the storm has been strong but no storm, no trial, no set backs will stray me from God’s promises and His love. I’m holding tight to what I feel God has shown me and that is Addi will live and not die! Being patient is not always easy but I know he’s working everyday to make Addi stronger. Your prayers have helped me though the rough days and no words can express my gratitude for all of the support and encouragement. I’m so very homesick but I can’t even think about going home without her. A few hours away today walking around in some stores while my parents were here helped me rejuvenate so I can endure another long week. Please keep those prayers coming because I can see the light at the end of this very long tunnel! God is so faithful! I hope you are making unforgettable memories with your kids and family today! Much love ~ LaLa
T-Shirts: This campaign ends tomorrow 3/17 at midnight.

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