Chemo/Immunotherapy Day 2

Chemo/Immunotherapy Day 2

Chemo/Immunotherapy Day 2……….

Addi has had a good day so far.  This morning she was even running around in the hallways.  We ran about 4 laps!  It was the sweetest and cutest thing ever.  I couldn’t even get a picture trying to keep up with her.  She had chemo this morning and that ended around noon.  They started the Morphine pump around 12:00 and the immunotherapy started around 12:30.  She still has about 4 more hours of Immunotherapy so praying hard that we can get through the day without any major complications.  The only problem she is having is urinary retention.  The nurse just gave her some medicine and hopefully that will do the job but if not she will more than likely need to be catheterized.  She has not urinated all day today so that is definitely an issue that will have to be addressed tonight.

Her vitals have stayed normal all day and no fever so far!  YAY!  Your prayers are being heard.  The second day was pretty hard for her last round so we are very thankful for two pretty good days.  The last go round they found the dosage of Morphine that kept her most comfortable so that is where they started it this time and it has kept her very comfortable today.  She has been quite the pistol today so I am not sure if it is all the meds making her irritable or what.  I have not seen her be this feisty and demanding but it’s ok….she can be feisty and demanding even when she’s not being too nice about it.  She afterward says…..I’m sorry LaLa!  She is the sweetest.  We had to change her dressing today and as usual she cried and had a small breakdown (not as bad as she usually does though!).  It took me holding her and two nurses to do it.  When it was all over and the tears subsided she looked at us and said…..”I’m sorry everybody.”  Oh my heart…..sweet baby apologizing.  She can cry and be upset all she wants when we change her dressing….I am sure I would do the same if in her place.

She is now resting and sleeping very peacefully.  I think she just needed a nap and why she’s been so irritable.  So hopefully she will have a good night with stable vital signs, no fever, no pain and some good rest.  That is my prayer for today.  I am learning to just take one day at a time, one hurdle at a time, one frustration at a time!  If you have an extra prayer, I could use one today.  Struggling with some things and I am just putting them in God’s hands and backing away.  Really need God to move!

This was my daily devotion today.  I hope it blesses you and ministers to your heart as much as it did mine.  I know there is someone out there that needs to hear this as much as I did.

Remember to meet all of your difficulties with love and laughter. Know that I am with you. Remember, it is the last few yards that count. Don’t fail Me. I cannot fail you. Rest in My love.

How many of the world’s prayers have gone unanswered because My children who prayed did not endure to the end? They thought it was too late, and that they must act for themselves, that I was not going to act for them. Remember My words: “He who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:22b NKJV).

Can you endure to the end? If so, you shall be saved. But, endure with courage, with love and laughter.

Not one of your cries is unheard. I am, indeed, with you to help you. Live out all I have said to you, and follow every detail as I have instructed you. As you implicitly obey all that I say, success—spiritual, mental, and physical—shall be yours. Wait in silence awhile, conscious of My presence in which you must live to have rest for your souls, and power and joy and peace.

Thank you all for the love and prayers!  There really are not enough words to express our gratitude for all of the love and support we have received.  

Another t-shirt campaign started. It will end on 2/22 and shirts will ship on 3/4.

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